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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - form


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1) форма; вид; представление; формат || формировать; придавать вид; представлять; использовать формат

2) шаблон; бланк (для заполнения данными)

analog formBackus-Naur formBoyce-Codd normal formcanonical formCayley formclipped form

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См. в других словарях

  1) форма; образец; модель || придавать форму2) профиль; контур || контурный; фасонный3) патрон токарно-давильного станка4) карта, бланк (технических требований)•in graph form — в графической форме (об информации)in report form — в текстовой форме (об информации)to finish form — придавать окончательную форму (напр. при резании)alpha-numeric machine-readable formbending formblank formcalculation formcaptured formcircular arc formdata collection formfactory data collection formfill-in formjob routing formmale vee formmaster formnoise formnonmathematical formopposite hand thread formsorder formordering formpine tree formsprinting formquality formrelief formrouting formtabular formtest formtooth formtrue circular path formtwo-dimensional formword form ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
   1. noun  1) форма; внешний вид; очертание in the form of a globe - в форме шара to take the form of smth. - принять форму чего-л.  2) фигура (особ. человека)  3) вид, разновидность  4) порядок; общепринятая форма - in due form  5) образец, бланк; анкета  6) mil. формирование, построение  7) состояние, готовность the horse is in form - лошадь вполне подготовлена к бегам in (good) form -  а) в форме (о спортсмене);  б) в ударе  8) формальность, этикет, церемония good (bad) form - хороший (дурной) тон, хорошие (плохие) манеры  9) скамья  10) класс (в школе)  11) gram. форма  12) art форма, вид literary form - литературная форма  13) tech. форма, модель  14) typ. печатная форма  15) нора (зайца)  16) constr. опалубка  17) railways формирование (поездов) Syn: configuration, contour, figure, outline, shape, structure Ant: content, formlessness, shapelessness  2. v.  1) придавать/принимать форму, вид to form a vessel out of clay - вылепить сосуд из глины  2) составлять; parts form a whole - части образуют целое  3) создавать(ся), образовывать(ся) (into) I can form no idea of his character - не могу составить себе представления о его характере  4) воспитывать, вырабатывать (характер, качества и т.п.) дисциплинировать; тренировать  5) формировать(ся), образовывать(ся); строиться (тж. form up)  6) mil. формировать (части)  7) railways...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. форма; внешний вид; очертание without shape or form —- бесформенный in any shape or form —- в любом виде in the form of a cube —- в форме куба to take form —- принять должную форму to take the form of smth. —- принимать вид (форму) чего-л. the cloud was changing its form —- облако меняло очертания 2. фигура (человека) well-proportioned form —- пропорциональное сложение, хорошая фигура fair of face and form —- с прекрасным лицом и фигурой I saw a well-known form standing before me —- я увидел перед собой хорошо знакомую фигуру 3. обличье Proteus was able to appear in the form of any animal —- Протей мог являться в обличье любого животного 4. стать (лошади) 5. форма, вид literary form —- литературная форма in tabular form —- в виде таблицы in the form of a sonnet —- в форме сонета in the form of a drama —- в драматической форме form and substance —- форма и содержание a sense of form —- чувство формы 6. вид, разновидность; тип forms of animal and vegetable life —- формы животной и растительной жизни it's a form of influenza —- это особая форма гриппа a form of activity —- род деятельности 7. стиль, манера his form in swimming is bad —- он плавает плохо (плохим стилем) bad form —- дурной тон; плохие манеры the rules of good form —- правила хорошего тона 8. состояние; форма (часто спортивная); готовность to be in (good) form —- быть в хорошем состоянии; быть в хорошей спортивной...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) форма, вид; разновидность 2) форма; внешний вид; очертание; формировать – aberrant form – ancestral form – anchor-minus form – bacillary form – biologic form – bush form – dead form – denatured form – filterable form – free-ranging form – G-form – growth form – interconnected forms – juvenile form – L-form – land form – latent form – life form – optically active form – ornamental form – physiologic form – related forms – replicative form – rod form – rough form – smooth form – transitional form – vicariing form ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. форма; внешний вид; внешнее очертание stones of remarkable forms — камни удивительных форм the shadowy forms of the divers — призрачные очертания ныряльщика Syn: shape, configuration, contour, figure, outline, structure 2) общ. фигура (особенно о человеке) to fit one's form — быть по фигуре (об одежде) Syn: body, figure, shape, build, physique 3) общ. форма, вид literary musical form — литературная музыкальная форма in tabular form — в виде таблицы Syn: character, appearance, phase, aspect, manifestation 4) общ. вид, разновидность; тип forms of animal and vegetable life — формы животной и растительной жизни a form of activity — род деятельности Syn: type, "variety, kind, "sort, genus, species, genre, class 5) общ. стиль, манера bad good form — дурной хороший тон; плохие хорошие манеры the rules of good form — правила хорошего тона Syn: social behavior, manner, deportment, conduct, style, mode, way, manner 6) общ. состояние; форма (часто спортивная); готовность; настроение to be in (good) form — быть в хорошем состоянии в хорошей спортивной форме, в ударе to be in bad form out of form — быть в плохом состоянии в плохой спортивной форме, не в ударе, не в форме Syn: liveliness, trim, fettle, fitness, shape, top condition, healthy condition 7) общ. формальность; проформа; церемония, порядок; формула (как установившаяся форма выражения чего-л.) as a matter of form, for form's sake — для проформы, формально to attach importance to forms...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) форма; образец; модель; придавать форму; формировать; образовывать 2) профиль; контур; контурный 3) патрон токарно-давильного станка 4) карта, бланк; форма; формуляр 5) геометрическая фигура 6) формат 7) представление 8) выражение 9) страница ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) анкета 2) бланк 3) вид 4) вилка 5) входить в состав 6) гиперповерхность 7) каркас для намотки 8) конструировать 9) контур 10) модель 11) наформовать 12) наформовывать 13) образец 14) образовывать 15) отформовать 16) очертание 17) придавать вид или форму 18) разновидность 19) составлять 20) становлять 21) тип 22) фасонный 23) форма 24) формат 25) формировать 26) формироваться of closed form — матем. в конечном виде, с конечным числом членов absolutely bounded form — абсолютно ограниченная форма absolutely convergent form — абсолютно сходящаяся форма absolutely extreme form — абсолютно экстремальная форма alternating form group — группа знакопеременной формы be supplied in knock-down form — поставляется в разобранном виде bring into canonical form — приводить к канонической форме; приводить к каноническому виду calculation in series form — вычисление с помощью ряда classically integral form — классически целая форма complementary boundary form — дополнительная граничная форма completely positive form — вполне положительная форма defined definite form — определенная форма draw up in draft form — составлять начерно elemental elementary form — элементарная форма elimination form of inverse — элиминативная форма обратной матрицы equivalent forms — эквивалентные формы essentually definite form — существенно определенная...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) форма; образец 2) бланк, формуляр – analog form – electronic form – digital form – government telegram form – incoming telegram form – transit telegram form – urgent telegram form ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  форма, конфигурация форма (для литья, формовки изделий) тж. мн.ч.опалубка; опалубочная форма скамейка (без спинки, обычно садовая) form of housing form of instability form of mechanical testing absorptive form adjustable hole form agreement form aluminum form beam form bid form climbing form column form concrete form curved form custom-built form disposable tube form edge form electrically heated form fabric form fiber form fiberglass-reinforced plastic form fit-in form flying form ganged form glass-fiber form honeycombed form inflated form insulating form job-built form jump form jumping ganged form leakproof form leave-in-place form lined form mobile form modular metal forms modular-prefabricated form moving form pan form paper form permanent form plaster form plywood concrete form precast concrete permanent form prefabricated steel form preformed form proposed form ready made form reusable concrete form riser form road forms round column steel form self-climbing forms self-stripping form shop-built steel form slab form sliding form slip form small-panel forms split form standard form of building contract stay-in-place form steel form steel collapsible form structural form of tanks test report form textured form top form traveling form truss supported flying form tunnel form typical plan form unsightly architectural form vented form vertical slip form waffle slab form wall form waste form ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) форма; (внешний) вид; 2) формировать, придавать форму или вид 3) форма; образец; модель 4) мн. ч. строит. опалубка 5) каркас для намотки (катушек) 6) вчт. формат 7) вчт. страница (распечатки или печатного документа) 8) бланк; формуляр; форма 9) печатная форма 10) профиль; контур 11) образовывать; составлять 12) формовать to dismantle forms — снимать (разбирать) опалубку; to drop a form — расключать печатную форму; to ease forms — отделять (отрывать) опалубку; to erect (to set) forms — сооружать (устанавливать) опалубку; to strike (to strip) forms — снимать (разбирать) опалубку form of fracture — вид излома form of groove — 1. метал. профиль ручья 2. профиль канавки или паза form of section — форма сечения; профиль form of weld — тип сварного шва - abbreviated form of message - accounting form - acid form - aerodynamic form - analog form - analytic form - anionic form - Backus-Naur normal form - basic form - beam and slab form - binary form - blow mold form - box form - burst form - business form - cable form - carbon-interleaved forms - carbonless business form - casting form - cationic form - Cauchy's form of the remainder - Cauchy form of the remainder - circular-arc form - climbing forms - coding form - coil form - collapsible forms - column form - comparison form - concave form of roll - concrete form - continuous forms - continuously moving forms - crystal form - crystallographic form - cut form - digital form - edge form - extended Backus-Naur form - field form - fixed form - flake graphite form - free form - freezing form - general form - glass waste form - graphical form - harmonic form...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  comb. form (usu. as -iform) forming adjectives meaning: 1 having the form of (cruciform; cuneiform). 2 having such a number of (uniform; multiform). Etymology: from or after F - forme f. L -formis f. forma FORM FORM n. & v. --n. 1 a a shape; an arrangement of parts. b the outward aspect (esp. apart from colour) or shape of a body. 2 a person or animal as visible or tangible (the familiar form of the postman). 3 the mode in which a thing exists or manifests itself (took the form of a book). 4 a species, kind, or variety. 5 a a printed document with blank spaces for information to be inserted. b a regularly drawn document. 6 esp. Brit. a class in a school. 7 a customary method; what is usually done (common form). 8 a set order of words; a formula. 9 behaviour according to a rule or custom. 10 (prec. by the) correct procedure (knows the form). 11 a (of an athlete, horse, etc.) condition of health and training (is in top form). b Racing details of previous performances. 12 general state or disposition (was in great form). 13 sl. a criminal record. 14 formality or mere ceremony. 15 Gram. a one of the ways in which a word may be spelt or pronounced or inflected. b the external characteristics of words apart from meaning. 16 arrangement and style in literary or musical composition. 17 Philos. the essential nature of a species or thing. 18 a long bench without a back. 19 esp. US Printing = FORME. 20 a hare's lair. 21 = FORMWORK. --v. 1 tr. make or fashion into a certain shape or form. 2 intr. take a certain shape; be formed. 3 tr. be the material of; make up or constitute (together form a unit; forms part of the structure). 4 tr. train or instruct. 5 tr. develop or establish as a concept, institution, or practice (form an idea; formed an alliance; form a habit). 6 tr. (foll. by into) embody, organize. 7 tr. articulate (a word). 8 tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) esp. Mil. bring or be brought into a certain arrangement or formation. 9 tr. construct (a new word) by derivation, inflection, etc. Phrases and idioms bad form an offence against...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective combining form  Etymology: French & Latin; French ~e, from Latin ~is, from forma in the form or shape of ; resembling filiform FORM  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French furme, ~e, from Latin ~a ~, beauty  Date: 13th century  1.  a. the shape and structure of something as distinguished from its material  b. a body (as of a person) especially in its external appearance or as distinguished from the face ; figure  c. archaic beauty  2. the essential nature of a thing as distinguished from its matter: as  a. idea 1a  b. the component of a thing that determines its kind  3.  a. established method of expression or proceeding ; procedure according to rule or rote; also a standard or expectation based on past experience ; precedent true to ~, the champions won again  b. a prescribed and set order of words ; ~ula the ~ of the marriage service  4. a printed or typed document with blank spaces for insertion of required or requested in~ation tax ~s  5.  a.  (1) conduct regulated by extraneous controls (as of custom or etiquette) ; ceremony  (2) show without substance  b. manner or conduct as tested by a prescribed or accepted standard rudeness is simply bad ~  c. manner or style of per~ing or accomplishing according to recognized standards of technique a strong swimmer but weak on ~  6.  a. the resting place or nest of a hare  b. a long seat ; bench  7.  a. a supporting frame model of the human figure or part (as the torso) of the human figure usually used for displaying apparel  b. a proportioned and often adjustable model for fitting clothes  c. a mold in which concrete is placed to set  8. the printing type or other matter arranged and secured in a chase ready for printing  9.  a. one of the different modes of existence, action, or manifestation of a particular thing or substance ; kind one ~ of respiratory disorder a ~ of art  b. a distinguishable group of organisms  c. linguistic ~  d. one of the different aspects a word may take as a result of...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (forms, forming, formed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A form of something is a type or kind of it. He contracted a rare form of cancer... Doctors are willing to take some form of industrial action... I am against hunting in any form. N-COUNT: with supp, oft N of n 2. When something can exist or happen in several possible ways, you can use form to refer to one particular way in which it exists or happens. Valleys often take the form of deep canyons... They received a benefit in the form of a tax reduction... N-COUNT: with supp, oft N of n 3. When a particular shape forms or is formed, people or things move or are arranged so that this shape is made. A queue forms outside Peter’s study... They formed a circle and sang ‘Auld Lang Syne’... The General gave orders for the cadets to form into lines. VERB: V, V n, V into n, also V n into n 4. The form of something is its shape. ...the form of the body. N-COUNT: with supp 5. You can refer to something that you can see as a form if you cannot see it clearly, or if its outline is the clearest or most striking aspect of it. She thought she’d never been so glad to see his bulky form. N-COUNT: usu with supp 6. If something is arranged or changed so that it becomes similar to a thing with a particular structure or function, you can say that it forms that thing. These panels folded up to form a screen some five feet tall... VERB: V n 7. If something consists of particular things, people, or features, you can say that they form that thing. Cereals form the staple diet of an enormous number of people around the world. VERB: V n 8. If you form an organization, group, or company, you start it. They tried to form a study group on human rights... They formed themselves into teams. VERB: V n, V pron-refl into n 9. When something natural forms or is formed, it begins to exist and develop. The stars must have formed 10 to 15 billion years ago... Huge ice sheets were formed. VERB:...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »TYPE« a type of something, that exists in many different types + of  (Trains are a very cost-effective form of transport. | She dislikes any form of exercise.) 2 »WAY STH IS/APPEARS« the way in which something exists, is presented, or appears  (We oppose racism in all its forms. | take a form/take the form of (=happen or exist in a particular way or as a particular type))  (The assignment can take any form you like - a written essay, a piece of recorded music, or whatever.) 3 »SHAPE« a shape, especially one that you cannot see very clearly + of  (the shadowy forms of the divers) 4 »DOCUMENT« an official document with spaces where you have to answer questions and provide information  (I was interested in the job and sent off for an application form. | fill in/out a form (=write the answers to the questions on a form))  (Fill in the form and send it back with your cheque.) 5 in the form of a) having the shape of  (The main staircase was in the form of a big `S'.) b) existing in a particular form  (People are bombarded with information in the form of magazines and TV advertising.) 6 »ART/LITERATURE« the structure of a work of art or piece of writing, rather than the ideas it expresses, events it describes etc  (Writers like Henry James place a lot of emphasis on form as well as content.) 7 »LEVEL OR PERFORMANCE« a) how well a sports person, team or race horse is performing, or has performed recently  (Judging by her most recent form, she should easily win a medal at the Olympics.) b) on present/current/past etc form based on how well a person, team, organization etc is performing or achieving their aims  (On current form, the Democrats could lose control of the Senate in the mid-term elections.) 8 »SCHOOL« BrE a class in a school  (We stopped doing Art in the fourth form.)  (- see also sixth form) 9 »GRAMMAR« a way of writing or saying a word, for example one that shows it is in the past or the plural  (`Was' is a past form of the verb `to be'.) 10 »SEAT« a long low wooden seat without a back...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Jetform Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: RAN TRUE TO FORM. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.Fr. forme, from L. forma "form, mold, shape, case," origin unknown. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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